Monday, May 7, 2012

Jen Lancaster, one of my favorite writers, got her start as a writer when she was laid off 10 years ago.  She is snarky, hilarious, and an inspiration.  On today's "Chick Lit Isn't Dead" blog, she had this to say:

"DO live in the moment. I got my start as a writer when I was laid off ten years ago. In that time while I was searching for a job, I never once just enjoyed the moment. Granted it’s hard to unclench when the wolves are at the door, but I feel like if I’d ever stopped for one second and thought, “For the next couple of hours, I should quit worrying and just appreciate that I don’t have eleven bosses telling me what to do,” then I probably would have been a lot less intense in my job interviews. In retrospect, I am very happy with how it all turned out, but I wish I could have cut myself a small break now and again."

While looking for a new job, prioritizing bills and (some days) trying just to get out of bed in the morning, we can often forget this very important advice.  This time around, I am hoping to remember it and live it!

There are some really wonderful things about my career, and I have amazing people in my life because of where I have been.  But, there were also some really challenging days, and some times when there was a LOT of STRESS!  It is ok, during this journey, to take time out and just breathe.

I am a "list girl" so I take my calendar every Friday afternoon and I block out my "search time," my "free time" and my "project time" for the following week.  All those outstanding household projects that were regularly hanging over my head (kitchen cupboard purge, anyone?) and the hobbies that I haven't had time for are actually scheduled in.  Even exercise makes it onto the list.  Once you write it down, it's official!  That is not to say that things don't change, but the commitment is there.  I have found that if I have my job search hours scheduled before I give myself permission to do other things, I can relax and enjoy the positive aspects of this time; significantly reducing my anxiety level.  It feels REALLY good to check things off of my lists!

I am at the beginning of this journey, but I have taken a similar trip in the very recent past.  So, I know, this time, I am going to do it differently - more effectively and more efficiently - with MUCH LESS STRESS!  I am going to accomplish things outside my search, and in doing so, I am going to feel stronger and smarter when I go back to work.

And, I WILL go back to work.  I have that on my calendar, too - and out in the universe.  I am confident that the right job is out there waiting for me - and your job is out there, too.  Let yourself just "be" sometimes, and you will find your path.

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